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Checklist of Incunabula in the Newberry Library, Compiled for the Use of the Library Staff. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1919.

Check List of Books Printed During the Fifteenth Century. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1924.

The First Fifty Years of the Printed Book, 1450-1500: Notes Descriptive of an Exhibition. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1925.

An Introduction to Library Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The Literary History of Scholarship. Chicago: Chicago Classical Club, 1937.

Scholarship and Civilization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944.

Culture and Communication. (with Redmond A. Burke) Chicago: DePaul University Library, 1953


其中最有名的图书馆学著作当数An Introduction To Library Science,翻译成中文就是《图书馆学导论》。不过这本书到目前为止,国内还没有人翻译。虽然说它的题名是“图书馆学导论”,但是它的主要内容,却是涉及图书馆学发展的其它支撑因素,包括心理学、历史学等。我想,这也可能是国内图书馆学人不想把它翻译成中文的最大的原因之一——有点文不对题的感觉。


  • Introduction to library science: basic units of library service. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976 ISBN 0-87287-173-8
  • Knowing books and men; knowing computers too. Littleton, Colo., Libraries Unlimited, 1973 ISBN 0-87287-073-1
  • The foundations of education for librarianship. New York, Becker and Hayes 1972ISBN 0-471-78520-2
  • "The complete librarian"; and other essays. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve University, 1971, 1979 ISBN 0-8295-0193-2
  • Sociological foundations of librarianship. New York, Asia Pub. House 1970 ISBN 0-210-22283-2
  • Documentation and the organization of knowledge. Hamden, Conn., Archon Books, 1966
  • Libraries and the organization of knowledge. London, C. Lockwood 1965
  • An epistemological foundation for library science. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve University, 1965
  • Information resources: a challenge to American science and industry. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve Univ. 1958
  • The classified catalog: basic principles and practices. Chicago, American Library Association, 1956
  • Documentation in action / Jesse H. Shera, Allen Kent, James W. Perry [editors]. New York : Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1956.
  • Historians, books and libraries: a survey of historical scholarship in relation to library resources, organization and services. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve University, 1953
  • Bibliographic organization. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1951
  • Foundations of the public library: the origins of the public library movement in New England, 1629–1855. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1952, 1949
  • An eddy in the western flow of America culture. Ohio state arch?ological and historical quarterly. --Columbus, O., 1935.
  • The age factor in employment, a classified bibliography, by J.H. Shera ... Bulletin of bibliography and dramatic index. --Boston : Boston Book Co., 1931-32.
  •  如此众多的书,让人眼花缭乱。在上面的著作中,著名的有《图书馆学引论》、《图书馆教育基础》、《图书馆的社会学基础》、《图书馆学的认识论基础》、《图书馆和知识的组织》、《公共图书馆基础——新英格兰公共图书馆运动的起源》这5本书,而其中的《图书馆学引论》(Introduction to library science)已经由原兰州大学图书馆馆员、现美国北卡大学图书馆的张沙丽翻译,1986年兰州大学出版社出版(有关张沙丽这本翻译的评价,我已经在相关博文中述及)。



 谢拉是美国图书馆史上杰出的图书馆学理论家,如果在他的著作中能提到中国,那是中国的骄傲和荣幸。那么,在谢拉的著作中,到底有多少中国的元素,有多少处涉及了中国的内容呢?让人遗憾的是,谢拉著作中的中国元素非常的少,以《公共图书馆基础——新英格兰公共图书馆运动的起源》为例,全书中只有一处提及中国——也就是在第三章“The Social Library: Origins, Form and Economic Background”。文中说:

 The adoption of the Constitution and the formation of the Union marked the beginning of a new commercial era of all New England. Compelled by adverse circumstance, the Yankee merchants had, in the Far East, tapped a new source of wealth. From this thriving trade with China developed fortunes that brought renewed prosperity to New England ports.



