发布人:编辑 发布时间:2014/3/25 12:43:35  浏览次数:5102次

终于有了一个洋“方黑”。谁啊?就是科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall。


这回亦明(葛莘)给几百个国外学者寄信毁谤MDPI出版公司,总算钓上了科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall全盘接受他们的说法,把MDPI列入其虚假期刊出版社黑名单,让方黑们欢呼取得了重大胜利。从我与Beall的信件往来看,他的确称得上“黑”,不仅是无知,而且是品质有问题(参见《一名奇怪的美国大学图书馆员》)。

Beall显然对我公开与他的信件往来以及挖出了别人揭露他是骗子的文章一事恼羞成怒,在其新发表的博文中(http://scholarlyoa.com/2014/02/24/under-pressure-mdpi-tries-to-clean-house-retracts-paper/ ),用了两段文字来诋毁我:

I’ve also angered someone named Fang Zhouzi (real name Shi-min Fang, or Fang Shi-min). He apparently markets himself as a Chinese science watchdog, trashing science published in journals other than those published by his friend Shu-Kun Lin, from whom he reportedly receives a stipend.

Fang is feverishly searching for dirt about me on the internet and publishing whatever he finds in his U.S.-based blog, all to defend his patron, Lin.




Beall是用英文写的博文,我也就用英文发表了一份声明,寄给了相关人士,附后。顺便说一下,eCampus News曾经错误地报道说诺贝尔奖获得者Mario Capecchi不知道自己是MDPI旗下期刊的编委。之后发了更正,Mario Capecchi知道自己是MDPI旗下期刊Biomolecules的编委,eCampus News为此错误道歉(http://www.ecampusnews.com/top-news/open-access-publisher-566/3/ )。Jeffrey Beall曾引用该报道攻击MDPI,当然,他没有更正。

A Statement About Mr. Jeffrey Beall's Defamatory Blog Post

1. What I have been "trashing" for 14 years is not "science", but pseudoscience, fraud or misconduct. My campaign against academic corruption in China has nothing to do with MDPI business. My activities have been reported many times by Science, Nature, New Scientist, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc and honored by several international and national awards, including the John Maddox Prize (by Nature) and Cliff Robertson Sentinel Award (by ACFE).

2. I am not a friend of Dr. Shu-Kun Lin. He is not my "patron" either. I don't have a personal relationship with him. In fact, Dr. Lin is just one of many fans of mine.

3. I have never received a stipend from Dr. Shu-Kun Lin. I am the most popular and successful science writer in China and make a living by publishing articles and books. I don't receive any stipends, kickbacks or protection rackets from anyone. Mr. Jeffrey Beall claims he has a report about my receiving a stipend from Dr. Shu-Kun Lin. I am sure the so-called "report" is not from a credible source, but just another canard created by a sick mind.

Mr. Jeffrey Beall has the right to maintain a list of questionable publishers, but based on my experience with him, he is not qualified to do so. He hesitated to correct an obvious factual error. He believes and spreads rumors and canards, no matter how ridiculous they are. He labels anyone with different opinions as "Lin's lackey". It's sad that a highly regarded blacklist is maintained by a person clearly lacking discipline knowledge, professionalism, good judgment, responsibility and integrity. I will do my best to let the science community know the truth and "trash" this list.

Shi-min Fang


